It's Feature Friday! Meet Stephen Bracher – Project Engineer for Macallan Construction!

  • What’s your construction specialty?

I primarily assist project managers with RFIs, submittals, scheduling, and coordinating subcontractors.

  • What attracted you to the construction industry?

I’ve always been interested in the process of building and enjoy the satisfaction of seeing all the different trades and components come together to create a final product.

  • What was the most memorable construction project you’ve ever worked on?

Renovating the public spaces and adding restaurants to the Omni Hotel in downtown Atlanta while keeping the hotel open and functioning. The most memorable activity on this job was removing giant stone wall panels a few stories up right next to the street during rush hour to create a restaurant balcony.

  • What advice would you give someone who wanted to enter the construction field?

Never be afraid to ask questions and listen to advise from people with more experience and knowledge than you. That’s the way I’ve learned the most!

  • Tell us an interesting or fun fact about yourself!

I spent a summer hiking over 300 miles in New Mexico during college.

#featurefriday #atlantaconstruction

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