It's Feature Friday! Meet Anna Lilley – Estimator for Macallan Construction!

  • What’s your construction specialty?

  • What attracted you to the construction industry?
    It may be a cliché, but I love being a part of making something from nothing. I liked the applied side of engineering and decided to go into construction instead of design. Figuring out how to actually build something that was designed by architects and engineers is challenging and fulfilling.

  • What was the most memorable construction project you’ve ever worked on?
    The Logan Farm House. It was one of the first and largest bids that I worked on, with an amazing team that included Nathan Harbison and Rob Wasserman of Macallan Works. The Logan Farm House was a 100 year old house that had some very unique challenges, including the need to repair and remake the foundations while protecting the structure.

  • What advice would you give someone who wanted to enter the construction field?
    Don’t be afraid to start with the ‘boring’ side of things. Being in the office, you get to see a lot of different projects and get time onsite, too. It’s the best of both worlds and lets you determine the right direction for you.

  • Tell us an interesting or fun fact about yourself!
    I’m a military brat. I have lived in 6 states, 4 countries, and 3 continents!