It's Feature Friday! Meet Christian Davis – Director of Preconstruction for Macallan Construction!

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  • What’s your construction specialty? 
    Hospitality, Higher Education, and Senior Living

  • What attracted you to the construction industry? 
    As a kid I always enjoyed construction and most of my toys involved building (Legos and Lincoln Logs) so I knew what I wanted to do.  However, originally I thought architects were the ones that actually built the buildings. Once I learned it was general contractors I never looked back!

  • What was the most memorable construction project you’ve ever worked on? 
    My most memorable project would have to be the Coca Cola Atlanta Syrup Plant Expansion.  It was a 50 million dollar, 3-phase project (Package, Syrup, and Mass storage) with pretty much every type of construction component you could think of.  It was also done in secret under heavy security because of a new technology they were rolling out. 

  • What advice would you give someone who wanted to enter the construction field?  
    Make sure you enjoy communication, collaboration, and new challenges throughout your career!

  • Tell us an interesting or fun fact about yourself! 
    I’m a husband to an amazing wife, Sara, and a dog dad to two great pups, Crush and Sugarbaby.